All Amber Courier employees have to be familiar with emergency plans and procedures and assume control of their respective areas in the event of an emergency. 

1. Emergency Situation ( Power Outage) 

  • Runs UPS and backups immediately
  • Starts Generator
  • Check with the service provider for reports and updates

2. Emergency Situation ( Fire and Floods Incidents) 

  • Life-Saving Efforts
  • Employee Family Concerns
  • Protection of any Customer Data
  • Damage Control/Inventory
  • The movement to the backup site – to resume processing
  • Return to the local site and resume standard processing 

3. Medical Emergency – any employee 

In case of illness or injury, qualified emergency medical personnel should administer any assistance beyond immediate first aid efforts. An ambulance should be requested immediately. 

Be prepared to report: 

  • Nature of illness or injury
  • Name of the individual needing assistance
  • Approximate age of individual needing assistance 

4. Threatening Phone Calls – (Bomb Threats or Extortion attempts) 

Any employee receiving such a call should: 
  • Remain as calm as possible. DO NOT upset the caller.
  • Show immediate willingness to cooperate and listen for instructions.
  • If possible, write down any instructions given and read back to the caller what you understand the instructions to be.
  • Notify the senior person on duty of the call. Do not discuss with other employees, causing undue panic or alarm.
  • Take appropriate action to protect the lives of all staff, including evacuating the building if necessary.
  • Notify the top management. 

5. Natural Disasters – (Weather, Tornado, Earthquake, etc.) 

  • Remain clear of external doors and windows.
  • Do not necessarily evacuate the building. It may be safer inside. Contact the manager on duty for assembly into the server room (designated storm and tornado shelter). Seek a protective location with maximum safety from flying glass, falling objects, or debris. Go to the lowest level of the building to the areas that would provide the most protection (inside rooms, areas, and bathrooms). If possible, crouch under a sturdy table or desk. Stay away from windows and doors. Occupy inside hallways if there are no inner rooms. For an earthquake, DROP, COVER, and HOLD ON.
  • Listen for public warning signals or radio broadcasts if available.
  • Only after an all-clear signal is received should damage control assessments be made and evacuation procedures implemented. 

6. Pandemic Preparedness 

To address pandemics, such as fever and flu virus, AC has implemented the following: 
  • Prevention through Flu Vaccinations
  • Some employees can work from home.
  • Contingency for Quarantined Locations
  • Monitoring Employee Health 

Emergency Reporting Process

Emergency Notification and Response 

A situation is an emergency if it poses a serious threat to human health or the environment. 

The flowchart is is attached:

Notification for emergencies that affect the general population is managed as below : 
Download Flowchart of Amber Emergency reproting process download contingency plan for amber emergency security situations and disaster incident