Amber Courier Sdn Bhd is an organization with sets of rules or standards regarding organizational values, beliefs, and ethics, as well as matters of legal compliance. That governs the organization’s conduct for its employees and employers. These five main conducts comprise the organization’s conduct.
The company emphasizes honesty and obeying the law. Everyone and every business must be treated with fairness and respect. Accountability and responsibility for actions and consequences also mean being accountable and taking responsibility.
All employees should have no self-interest, bias, or conflict of interest to influence business decisions or judgements. Everyone is treated with respect, behaves courteously, and treats all customers, colleagues, and others with respect and diginity.
The company emphasizes ethically competent people who can distinguish between right and wrong and act accordingly.
All employees must maintain the confidentiality of business information, business flows, business partners, and work entrusted to him or her by the Company or its customers, except when disclosure is authorized before the disclosure happens.
All employees must have professional ethics as principles that govern their behaviors. Professional ethics must be shown in action towards other people, environments, and working behaviors.
Download Code of Amber Business Conduct